3 Important Reasons Why Facebook is Not Your Website

Social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook can play a large part in the online marketing activity for a business. The reach and subsequent impact on the lives of both consumers and the companies that feed demand for products can be exponential.

It can also be a bit of a damp squib. A dead end. A chocolate teapot. An exercise in futility. A total waste of time. I’m running out of phrases but you can get the gist.

If not used wisely, all the hard work, energy, and time your business invests into an online marketing campaign will be wasted. Your hopes of internet success will fizzle like air from a rapidly deflating balloon.

One of the biggest mistakes any business can make, particularly a small business, is relying exclusively on social media platforms. You’ve set up a Facebook page and instantly you’ve got that website you’ve always wanted. For free! Better still, you can promote it through your newly created Twitter and Instagram accounts. Also totally free. Who doesn’t like free eh?

Now, you can sit back watching the “likes” or the retweets roll in for that post of a cute doggy playing in snow. Or some random dude holding up a fish.



If that’s your online strategy, you’re going to be sat back for a long time.

It’s not the lack of branding or marketing strategy that is the issue here, although potential clients not knowing what your business actually does isn’t going to help. It’s the platforms and how you are using them. One platform in particular, Facebook, could actually be throttling your business growth rather than increasing it.

Facebook is an incredibly popular platform with tons of free marketing potential through networking.


And it’s a big but.

It is not and can never replace a paid for marketing strategy which includes offline adverts as well as your own website designed specifically for your business.

Here’s why:

#1 Limited Audience

Social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter or Facebook require users to have login credentials. In order to see what is on Facebook, you need an account with Facebook. That means only people who are enrolled on the platform can see your Facebook page. Only those on Facebook will see your boosted or sponsored posts. If your ideal customers don’t use Facebook, the money you spent on promoting posts will be wasted.

Sticking with the “free” marketing idea, some smaller businesses share posts with Facebook Groups. Which is fine, it’s the digital equivalent of word-of-mouth after all. However, most Facebook groups are closed. People have to join them. No one outside of the group can see the posts. Using groups further limits your already narrow access to potential clients.

#2 Limited Control

All social media platforms have rules and regulations. From what pictures you can post, words you can use to how much text can appear in an image. That picture of a dude with a fish might not be allowed as a sales post on Facebook. Facebook doesn’t allow the sale of livestock. Now, it could be that you’re a fishing guide so fishing is your business. But, if Facebook sees a fish, in a sales post, they are likely going to think you are selling fish. The post might get deleted. Goodbye sales.

#3 Limited Followers

Social media is all about networking. The number of people who follow you on the various social media platforms plays an important role in your exposure on those channels. The more likes for your Facebook page, the higher the potential reach of the post.

Potential reach. Not guaranteed reach.

Just because people like your page, it doesn’t mean they will see your post. They may have notifications turned off. Online algorithms might decide your page isn’t relevant to them based on what other posts or groups they like, join or click on. If they’ve never clicked on a picture of a fish, the chances of them seeing your fish post are slim.

Even if the fish does appear on their timeline, a random fish with a dude they don’t know isn’t going to make them click on the pic to find out more. If too many of your likes just scroll by your post without clicking, it will have an effect on impressions. The less interaction you get, the less your post will appear.

Sounds grim doesn’t it? Don’t despair though. There are things you can do to improve your online marketing strategy for internet success.

Get a Website

For full and total control over your online marketing activity, get your own paid-for website! The page you have on Facebook is not your website. You have no control over layout, format, visibility, or ease of use.

With your own website, you can create your own branding, style and messaging. Not only that, you’ll have your own domain name for your own business! Instead of Facebook.com/dude-with-a-fish, it’ll be dude-with-a-fish.com. See the difference? Now your business is starting to look professional.

There are plenty of budget friendly website options available. So take control of your business image and messaging and set up a website that reflects what you offer.

By putting the focus back on your business, you can use Facebook and other Social media outlets to direct potential clients to you. Not the other way around.

Make sure all marketing activity uses the business logo and color scheme from your website. Come up with a mission statement. It’s not just brand name soups that should have branding. So should you! It helps people recognize you and your business.

The most important thing to remember:

Business Marketing is Never Free

You get what you pay for is certainly true in the world of business. Move away from the promise of free marketing. To get a return on your investments, you have to actually make the investment. Your business is worth it.

Paid-for ads on any of the social media platforms will give your business credibility and a professional image. But, only if they actually promote your business and not the platform you are using.

The whole point of marketing is to grow your business not your Facebook page.



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